“Never before have school-based administrators faced so many challenges in the performance of their jobs. Public Education is one of the fastest areas of critical change in terms of any public or private entity. The speed of change is related to so many factors such as technology, safety, and security, delivery of key services to children such as mental health, and ESE services. Public Education also faces challenges from political forces including the charter school movement and efforts to privatize public schools.  

The Broward Principals' and Assistant Principals’ Association has been a stalwart stand for school-based administrators since the 1970s. We have a long history of advocacy and a voice to speak to power by carrying the message of our school principals and assistant principals to the educational system in Broward and across the State. From our advocacy efforts in Tallahassee to our participation in scholarship programs for our neediest of children, BPAA produces effective and creative change.  

We hope you will join us and become a part of a team of principals and assistant principals working to generate positive policies along with collaborative relationships in our desire to contribute to the future and benefit the lives of our students and community.”

Lisa Maxwell

A Note from The Executive Director